Security Glasses

Encoding is a heat treatment process that is performed on building windows. This process can also be done on colored glass, reflexive, printed or glazed glass. This type of glass is made of glass, colored, reflexed, printed or lacquered glass.

Glass Encrustation Process

Heat treatment : The heat treatment is from the uniform heating of the glass jar to a glass temperature of up to 700 ° C. The heated glass is cooled down to both glass surfaces by blowing in cold air. In this process, heat the glass to a softening point above 700 ° C, then quickly cool to the two sides of the glass.

Cooling stage : In the glass cooling stage, its outer layers are cooled faster than the inner layers, which increases the strength of the glass. During the cooling, the glass surfaces are cooled faster than the center, causing permanent stress and thus the strength of the glass.

The Advantages of Using Security Glass

Compared to the same-thickness raw glass, the glass is more resistant to fracture, as it can be said that its mechanical strength is more than 5 times.
In the event of breakage of the glass, the glass will turn into small pieces with smooth edges that do not cut off. This reduces the risk of damage.

Uses of Security Glass

A glass of safety glass where the strength, resistance to heat and safety is desired. Generally, the glass of safety in the automotive industry is used to counteract the ingress of glass to large pieces of glass in the front and rear of the car. The front of the laminate is used because it does not strike. When parameters such as mechanical and immunological resistance are significant, retrofit glass is used (security). The most common use of this glass is because of its fineness in the automotive industry for lateral and rear glass (after winding), for laminated glass, instead of laminate glass that can not be folded off. In the construction of a safety glass, it can be used for frameless structures at the entrance or any place likely to be harmful to humans. The glass does not have the ability to cut or form. All processes, such as cutting, piercing and … should be done before the glass is sealed.

Ghaem Glass Co
Ghaem Glass Co
Ghaem Glass Co

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